We develop the tools you need to analyze and share the results with your colleagues

Multiply field experiences

Collaborate in real time

Accelerate understanding of your data

Prepare your content for publications

Technological innovation at your service

VARIA, Virtual and Augmented Reality with artificial Intelligence for Astronauts is a project funded by the CNES (space French agnecy) under the supervision of the SpaceshipFR in the framework of the TechTheMoon incubation.
The purpose of this work is to study the innovative tools bringing new

VREXplorer is the first immersive, collaborative platform for loading digital terrain models into virtual scenes shared in real time between remote users.
This tool, originally created for geoscience teaching, allows users to import 3D data in a variety of formats (Digital Elevation Models, 3DTiles, point clouds) and visualize them in shared environments where they can see, talk and analyze the terrain in real time.

As part of the PlanMap project supported by the European Commission, VR2Planets has produced a collaborative immersion analysis software on a Martian site.
This software has been used by many students and several astronauts to prepare for future Martian missions.

As the area of scientific interest had become militarized, a solution had to be found to continue geological studies of the area. VR2Planets was commissioned to create a virtual environment from very high resolution satellite data and provide the measurement tools necessary to understand these environments.

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